A digital fabrication consultancy called 3D Forge was a wild ride while it lasted for many of us who are now part of 3DF. We had a wonderful time serving all of our customers and had big plans for our small, yet powerful organization. We are also infinitely appreciative of all of those customers who have been such strong supporters of us over the past 3 years.
Unfortunately, like all businesses, things don’t always go the way we want and it’s very easy to get off track with the many externalities that affect a business every day. As such, with a heavy heart, on October 31st, 2016, we made the difficult decision to put an end to a company that I was part of building since 2013.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. In fact, as I have often told many of my peers, “the ending of something often times translates to a beautiful new beginning of something even greater.” And so it was; the beautiful beginning of 3DF, the formation of a brand new entity with most of the same wonderful people picking back up the baton and continuing to pursue their passion.
However, this time, we are coming back much stronger and much more aligned with a single focus and direction of delivering world class products and consulting services to the masses. We are also not doing this alone. Recruitment efforts have already taken place and we have brought on some strong new additions to our team to make us even better than before.
So why “3DF” you might chuckle and ask. Contrary to the likely assumption that we just threw something together on the fly due to the lack of time, there’s actually deep meaning behind the new brand. 3DF and its visual identity represents a cleansed and upgraded version of 3D Forge. It also represents a legacy of what made who we are today because as both individuals and organizations, we are nothing without our past which we appreciate every bit of it no matter good or bad. We have also learned much from our past mistakes which conceptually fuels the makeup of our logo, name, and our new organization as a whole. More importantly, we don’t just look back at our past but also look into the future and have already built a roadmap that everyone on the new team is extremely excited about. In other words, we simply won’t stop because we hit a rock along the way but rather, we insist to stand back up and continue to chase after our dreams.
So what are these dreams? Looking into 2017, 3DF plans to push through much better quality of service on our core business of providing digital fabrication equipment and associating services. Our goal is to become Hong Kong’s number one choice for digital fabrication needs. Aside from focusing on our core business, we are also extremely excited about the two new hardware products that the team has been working very hard on which are scheduled to be launched in mid 2017 and early 2018 respectively. We are also immediately launching a manufacturing consulting service with a strong line of manufacturing partners across the APAC region geared for startups from all over the world who are looking to mass manufacture hardware products with the cost and delivery time that makes sense which we strongly believe will help solve a huge barrier to hardware startup success and in turn, facilitating the delivery of many more world class products globally.
I am so stoked about our new beginning and I can go on all day and all night talking about this but we have lots of work waiting for us to do. So I will leave everyone here and be in touch again soon! Stay tuned!
Jeremy Cheng | Managing Director